I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Augsburg since July 2023 in the team of Applied Analysis directed Pr. Malte Peter. I am working on the interaction of water waves with floating stuctures, especially in the context of the sea-ice modeling.
Previously I was a one year postdoctoral fellow at LJLL-Sorbonne University with Pr. Stéphane Labbé for the SASIP project. I participated to the development of a C++ code simulating the dynamics of sea-ice floes.
I did my PhD in the AIRSEA team, at LJK-Université Grenoble Alpes on Numerical study of ocean-atmosphere coupling algorithms with boundary layer parameterizations under the supervision of Pr. Eric Blayo and Florian Lemarié.
Research interests
I am interested in the analysis and the mathematical modeling of geophysical fluids, especially in the context of ocean, atmosphere and sea-ice applications. My two main areas of reasearch are the analysis of an non-local ocean and atmosphere coupling model and the model of water-waves interaction with the floating elastic and porous plate.
- Applied analysis, PDE
- Numerical analysis
- Modeling of geophysical fluids
- Mathematics for the ocean and the atmosphere
- Water waves – floating structures interaction
- Wave scattering
See the page Researchs interests for further details
I have around 450 hours of experience in higher education, divided between practical sessions, exercise classes and lectures.
See the page Teaching for further details.
ORCID 0009-0006-3408-6940
sophie.thery@uni-a .de
Universitätsstraße 12, 86159 Augsbourg